Sunday, July 15, 2012

Summer Camp Success

I believe summer camp was a success.  The boys of Troop 5 came together and showed they are a scout troop.   I probably did not put enough action shots in of boys having fun, I seemed to focus on the boys operating as a troop.  Thank you Dave for providing the parents a perspective that the boys of the troop  also have fun at scout camp.

My true frustration of the trip was that we did not have any first year campers.  It is clear the boys understand the leadership portion of scouting and this needs to be handed down to the next generation. I encourage all the parents and readers of this blog to point to Troop 5 as a viable option for scouting.  We have a wonderful program, good boy leadership and dedicated adults who get it.

In the next week or so I will attempt to blog about everyone who went to camp.  It will take a while, but I will get it done.

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