Sunday, August 23, 2009

Pain Free Weekend

Life is not nearly as interesting when you spend the weekend on pain medicines. In addition, Carol was up in Oklahoma at her high school reunion. I insisted she should go, because she was looking forward to the event. My son-in-law David told me that I could have just told Carol I did not want to go instead of breaking my thumb, but I digress.

My surgery on the thumb went well on Thursday. Tamara was a saint and took me to the hospital and waited with me. She spent a lot of time rolling her eyes as I attempted my brand of humor with the hospital staff, techs, nurses and doctors. I was successful most of the time, but Tamara has already seen my act way too much.

I had enough visitors and phone calls to address my extraverted nature in the house by myself. Most of the weekend was spent draining the DVR, reading the paper front to back, watching sports and reading. Although at times this was enjoyable, I was very pleased to have Carol home this evening.

1 comment:

  1. Dont forget you had an awesome visitor on Thursday, the day of the surgery, you know thats what made the whole thing bearable.
