This past Wednesday night Hayden Pierce passed his Eagle Board. Below is the text of the email I sent to the troop. It should be noted that Hayden is the 20th Eagle Scout in Troop 5 history and the 15th during my tenure as Scoutmaster. Longevity will do that.
Tonight, Hayden Pierce passed his Eagle Board of Review. Congratulations!I have had the pleasure of camping with Hayden since 2004. We have climbed mountains, canoed rivers, and camped. Hayden fished. I can’t say we to that part.When I reflect on my time with Hayden, it seems to come back to New Mexico. Hayden camped at Wehinahpay outside of Cloud Croft, summated Wheeler Peak, did a week of high adventure at Tres Ritos, and of course Philmont. I remember him dashing to his tent as we got hailed on the slopes of Wheeler at Lost Lake.It has been a long and enjoyable journey and I am very glad I was a part of it…Congrats Hayden!yisjgs
This has been a long time coming and I am proud that he was able to accomplish this. That you, Greg, for the leadership you showed Hayden through the years...