Friday, May 14, 2010

Hayden Pierce is an Eagle Scout!

This past Wednesday night Hayden Pierce passed his Eagle Board. Below is the text of the email I sent to the troop. It should be noted that Hayden is the 20th Eagle Scout in Troop 5 history and the 15th during my tenure as Scoutmaster. Longevity will do that.

Tonight, Hayden Pierce passed his Eagle Board of Review. Congratulations!

I have had the pleasure of camping with Hayden since 2004. We have climbed mountains, canoed rivers, and camped. Hayden fished. I can’t say we to that part.

When I reflect on my time with Hayden, it seems to come back to New Mexico. Hayden camped at Wehinahpay outside of Cloud Croft, summated Wheeler Peak, did a week of high adventure at Tres Ritos, and of course Philmont. I remember him dashing to his tent as we got hailed on the slopes of Wheeler at Lost Lake.

It has been a long and enjoyable journey and I am very glad I was a part of it…

Congrats Hayden!


1 comment:

  1. This has been a long time coming and I am proud that he was able to accomplish this. That you, Greg, for the leadership you showed Hayden through the years...

