Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veterans Day

Being the son of a Colonel, with a brother soon to be Colonel in the Army, Veterans Day makes me quite contemplative. I understand we must be thankful and appreciative of the men and women in our services. My father did two tours in Vietnam. My brother has done a tour in Iraq, a tour in Korea, and was in the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. I have many friends and classmates from High School that followed their father’s footsteps into the service. Some have paid the ultimate sacrifice. I now send former scouts into harm’s way.

I always tell my scouts that if it was not for those in the service we would not have the freedom to camp or assemble. Scouting is the apidamy and the reflection of American Values that our current armed services protect and our veterens protected.

I remember growing up at Fort Benning and Fort Bragg hearing the sounds of practice rounds, helicopters, C-130s and jets in the background. Today when I take little Troop 5 camping, I mimic my old scoutmasters from those times at campouts when a fighter jet goes over head... "That's the sound of freedom boys!"

Lyle Lovett’s new single “Natural Forces” poses and interesting question in the middle of it that really made me stop and think.

Now as I sit here safe at home, with a cold Coors Light and the TV on. All the sacrifice and death and war, Lord I pray that I am worth fighting for... - Lyle Lovett
My new goal is not only to be appreciative of the men and women in uniform, thankful to the veterans, but make sure I continue to live my life as someone worth fighting for.

Because in the end, if we do not enjoy, appreciate, or exercise the freedom that so many fought or died to protect, they have done so in vain.

Let us all make sure that our Veterans know that we are worth fighting for.

1 comment:

  1. Well said, Greg, and I'm as proud of you as you are of me.
