Monday, January 17, 2011

Fort Worth Stockshow Parade

Luck sometimes plays into some of the neat things in life. Aedan , Carol and I were headed downtown this past Saturday to drop something off at her office. Carol cut through downtown because it is usually faster due to less traffic.

Well we quickly got hung up in traffic and we were confused as to what all these people where doing downtown. Then we saw the horses. Carol rightly concluded it was the Fort Worth Stock Show parade. After a creative way through downtown, we parked at her office. We also had for some reason, taken Aedan’s stroller with us. So after a quick assemble we moved as fast as we could back to the parade route.

I am not sure how much of it we saw, but it was quite a bit. We found shelter from the mist under a bus stop and watched the parade go by. I was not sure if this was my first or second time to see the parade. If it was my second, it was only since we were in Fort Worth in 1970. I learned later it was my first.

Those that do not know what to expect from the Fort Worth Stock Show Parade, it one group of horseback riders after another marching in downtown Fort Worth. Police, Sheriff, churches, schools, cutting, and roping clubs all were groups in the parade. There were wagons pulled by all kinds of horses. In addition to all the horses, the local Fort Worth High School Bands marched.

One advantage of Aedan being a cute little boy is he got waved by those in the parade. I also wager 10 or so went the extra step and rode over to Aedan. He showed no fear. For those that know my fear of large animals, I also did well.

Not sure if we had planned it would have worked out as well as it did.

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