Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Pack of Wild Boys

Scouting can be quite frustrating at times.   The whole concept of boy led troop is very complicated.  It is a fine line between “youth led” and a Pack of Wild Boys.   As an adult leader you want to make sure the boys have an opportunity for success.  However, failing is often a wonderful lesson as well.  It is just important that when the boys do fail, it does not harm anyone.

Last night’s Troop meeting was one of those evenings that the pack of boys took hold.   Often times I reference the “Lord of the Flies” when boy led quickly derails.   Considering the troop was focused on the concept of fire building, it really seemed appropriate for Monday nights meeting.  I expected at any moment Piggy’s glasses were going to be used to burn down the building.

The objective last night was simple.  Have each first year patrol create a tepee fire lay.  This would require older boys to help them collect some wood from the park next door, build a fire lay.  The goal was to show that your start with tinder, move to kindling, and finally you put on burning fuel.

Please take note, there were not to be any fires lit.  I had learned at the last campout that the boys were not patient enough to build a fire lay before attempting to start a fire.  My suggested lesson was to show that if they just took about 15 minutes, they would be ready to have a fire.

What happened was total chaos.  Boys running around with sticks, yelling, stomping on each other’s fire lays, and what was more amazing, an actual fire.  A fire with no water or sand to put it out.

Needless to say I was not pleased.   For some reason I did not lose it, I just calmly told the Senior Patrol Leader to fall in the troop after they clean up their mess and put the fire out.  The older boys, who had allowed the situation to get out of hand, quickly realized the line had been crossed.  They organized the boys and got the situation back under control.

Little Troop 5 got a classic scoutmaster lecture on the two BSAs.  Baby Sitters of America or the Boy Scouts of America.    It was up to them to decide which troop they want to be in.  Time will tell and I hope they pick the right one.   I am not interested in being a baby sitter.

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