Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Salesman

Jeff is The Salesman.  He has never met a stranger and always interacts with all the “players” no matter where the troop ends up.   He is always selling the troop as he goes, some may say he covering up “my charm”  as we spend time in camp.   Because of this wonderful skill set he spends quite a bit of time explaining to other troop leader what is actually going on in Troop 5.    He also does a wonderful job of gathering ideas from other troops to bring back for Troop 5 to use.
If there is a deal to be swung, a secret code to gain access, or just let people know we are one of them, Jeff is on it.     He does get nervous when I let the boys push the limit between confidence and arrogance.   I am sure that has to do with the potential to lose a sale, but he always supports the boys and supports the Scoutmaster.

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