Wednesday, February 29, 2012

2012 Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast

The readers of this blog know that the Kiwanis Club of Arlington is the chartering organization of Troop 5.   Their annual fundraiser is a big pancake breakfast on the last Saturday in February.    The troop always sends a large contingent to work the breakfast. Between the High School Key Clubs, Builders Clubs, and the Kiwanians, this fundraiser runs very smoothly.

The objective of the Little Troop 5 at this event is to help when asked.   Being the only group with a uniform, we are very visible and are asked to help in the kitchen and the dining room.

I spent most of my time just wandering around, visiting with people about the troop, and scouting in general.  Standing around with a coffee cup in my hand in scout uniform is something I do very well.

I also selfishly look forward to the two grand boys showing up for the breakfast.  It was Nolan’s first. 

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